Coordination of Supports

As a Coordination of Supports provider, our goal is to assist NDIS participants with complex needs by navigating the NDIS system and coordinating their supports effectively. We have listed 10 ways in how we help below.  

  1. Assisting participants in understanding their NDIS plans, including identifying goals and funding allocations.
  2. Providing guidance and support in navigating the NDIS system and accessing appropriate services and supports.
  3. Coordinating multiple service providers to ensure effective and seamless service delivery.
  4. Facilitating communication between participants and service providers to address any issues or challenges that may arise.
  5. Monitoring the quality of supports received by participants and ensuring they align with their needs and goals.
  6. Collaborating with participants to review and adjust their NDIS plans as required.
  7. Providing information and resources to empower participants in making informed choices about their supports.
  8. Referring participants to disability advocates for advocacy-related matters, as required.
  9. Supporting participants in resolving conflicts or disputes with service providers, if necessary.
  10. Working in accordance with the NDIS Code of Conduct and maintaining confidentiality and privacy of participant information.